Love Story

Žetta ljóš er lķtil saga sem segir frį žvķ hvernig įstarsambönd žróast.

Žegar fólk er aš kynnast rķkir mikil spenna, hlutirnir gerast hratt og mönnum viršast allir vegir fęrir. Meš tķmanum kemst jafnvęgi į hlutina og įkvešinn stöšugleiki einkennir sambandiš... og fyrr en varir er žaš oršiš aš gömlum vana.

Love Story

A stranger came from out of nowhere
and asked if I wanted to play with him.
I was feeling shy at first, but said yes.
He took my hand and told me to run.
Laughing we ran together in the snow.
There was ice on the streets and I fell.
After carefully making sure I wasn't hurt
he helped me to get back on my feet
and said it would be better idea to walk.
So we walked together in the sunshine
on a beautiful, hot day and I got tired.
He told me to rest among the flowers
while he would go and bring some water.
And even though he never really left
somehow he wasn't with me anymore.
Just like that and from out of nowhere.


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