The queen who became the servant

when I did nothing but exist
you used to kiss me
many times a day

when I did nothing but exist
you used to tell me
I love, I want, I need you

and then you started to sing

I need to work
I need to work
I need to work

and there was no time left for me
the queen who became the servant


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Kind of like Cinderella in reverse. I'm lucky. I love being the servant. I know she would die without me. Literally.

Fred Miller (IP-tala skráð) 10.4.2012 kl. 01:18

2 Smámynd: Guðrún G. Sveinbjörns.

I was thinking about love and relationships when I wrote it, and how things should not be taken for granted. Yes, you are lucky and so is your queen:) P.S. I also like to be the servant, but don't tell Guy... he might stop bringing me coffee and chocolate:)

Guðrún G. Sveinbjörns., 10.4.2012 kl. 08:21

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