Happily empty

Erfiðleikar í sambandinu? Stundum er gott að muna að öll él birtir upp um síðir.

happily empty

like air, food and water
are keeping my body alive
things only you can give me
are keeping my spirit alive

I cant call them vital
but without them
I feel hungry, thirsty and
sometimes it is hard to breath

so the best I can do now
is to pretend that I don't care
and hope I can hide my feelings
until I find happiness again

nothing lasts forever


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1 identicon

Pretending is vital to moving forward. I can't draw or write or even do karate until I pretend in my mind that I am a writer or an artist or a karateka. Once I start pretending, then I start feeling like the thing I'm pretending to be. Then, eventually, I become that thing.

Fred Miller (IP-tala skráð) 14.8.2010 kl. 11:49

2 Smámynd: Guðrún G. Sveinbjörns.

You are right Fred. And you being a great writer proves it. That is also exactly how I became a poet :)

Guðrún G. Sveinbjörns., 14.8.2010 kl. 14:30

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